Friday, February 5, 2010

High Fives Foundation

With a full head of steam, a structured foundation, and the coolest events in the greater Tahoe area, High Fives Foundation dropped its new website this month. After officially opening up the application for the 2010 Athlete scholarship, High Fives is gearing up for several awesome events this winter season. Check out the new site for upcoming events, supporters, meet the board and officers and most of all Become A Member!! High Five-

Unofficial Squaw

Stay up on sick footage, new events and all the craziness that is Tahoe with Super great group of guys who head out and rip everyday...whether right at Squaw Valley, down in Antarctica, Russia, or Alaska. Don't miss out!

JPJ POV 2010.6

Some POW in New Hampshire from James Preston on Vimeo.

JPJ POV 2010.5

Shredding in the Sun from James Preston on Vimeo.